How long did it take for your PI (Popular Investor) application to be approved?

Asked 4 years ago

Dear PIs, How long did it take for your PI application to be approved? Also, I know that you get an email once it is approved; similarly will you be getting an email if its not approved? Maybe with reasons why Thanks in advance

Avik Das

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

To get approved to be a PI or Popular Investor, the time frame for the confirmation is usually between 48 hours to 48 hours, varying it for different people. But it is certainly not easy to get approved to be a Popular Investor. They do send you main whether you get approved or not.

Osasere Okunloye

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

It takes a few days for some persons; for others, it might take longer than expected. Just make sure you meet the requirements. If you do, be patient. Ideally, you should get a mail from the Popular Investment team after few days to confirm if your application was approved or rejected.

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