Is the eToro live chat good and reliable?

Asked 4 years ago

Hi! How has your experience with eToro's customer support been? Are the answers any good? Thanks.

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Friday, July 02, 2021

Yes. eToro live chat has been a very reliable and enriching experience for many people in both English and Arabic to date.

eToro's live chat is quick, responsive, friendly! Whether it be about any issue you may have or just a chance to talk to someone in real-time before making a trade, they will walk you through how they work and what it means for your trade going forward.

Their responses are transparent as well - if something can't be done quickly there because of regulations that's not under their control (such as some firms' opening/closing times), they'll let you know why so you don't waste your time waiting for them when you could go ahead with your request.

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