Can I use the eToro platform to trade in Europe?

Asked 4 years ago

Hi guys, I stay in Europe at the moment and due to covid it doesn't look like I'll be moving anywhere anytime soon. So, to occupy me, I'm going to give stock market trading a try. It can't hurt to do a little investing anyways. I've been doing some research, and I think I want to go with eToro, but I am not sure if they are available in Europe. Do you guys know? Thanks in advance.

Avik Das

Thursday, July 15, 2021

eToro is arguably one of the best trading platforms in the world with users from all over the world. Likewise, it can be used in various countries of Europe. Besides Europe, eToro is also easily available in the United Kingdom. With some notable professionals and traders in the industry, you should have a great experience there.

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