Would you invest in ARKW, F, or G, and why?

Asked 4 years ago

Like others, I'm 4 weeks in, and I'm starting to focus on building a foundation in trading with various ETFs. I have ARKK, VOO, DRIV, and would like to purchase another ARK. Right now, I'm comparing ARKW, ARKF, and ARKG; which would you buy and why? It's a red day, so I'd like to stock up! Thanks for your support.

Andrew Moran

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

ARK Fintech Innovation ETF (ARKF) would be the superior investment fund to park your money for the medium- to long-term goals. Its holdings are not as prone to volatility as some of the other ETFs. Although ARKF is teach-heavy, the companies Cathie Wood has chosen are great long-term prospects with reliable track records.

Here some of its primary holdings:

  • Square Inc (9.99%)
  • Sea Ltd (4.69%)
  • Shopify (4.67%)
  • Zillow Group (4.41%)
  • PayPal Holdings (4.37%)

Plus, with the ETF shedding a little more than 1%, a good opportunity to get in before it tops $50.

Arthur Nwosu

Friday, July 02, 2021

first thing you need to understand is the general idea of an ETF(exchange traded fund). an ETF is some sort of measure/tracker of an index, sector, commodity, etc., but can be listed on the stock exchange to be bought or sold. etfs can contain many types of investments, it can be a mix of a bunch of securities from several sectors. some stocks can be way too overpriced, hence, the reason for the attractiveness of ETFs

before choosing to invest in either ARKW, ARKF and ARKG, you should know the differences between these ETFs

ARKG is an ETF focused on companies that are involved in incorporating technology into the enhancement in the quality of human life. the companies that are held in ARKG ETF may be involved in molecular diagnostics, stem cells, bio informatics, agricultural biology, etc. in summary, ARKG is an investment i the health care sector, information technology, etc. over the past 5 years, ARKG has a performance of 8% on its NAV. although, past performance do not indicate the health of future perfomance

Ark W is an ETF on companies focused on shifting technological concepts to the cloud, offering internet based products and services, social media services, e commerce, etc. its performance over the past 5 years is about 8% on its NAV. past performance does not indicate future performance.

ARKF is an ETF on companies that offer technological innovation to how we make financial transaction. financial technological innovations like blockchain technology, funding platforms.

which would i go for? personally, i love ARKG first for the mere fact that it deals with innovations in the health sector for the most part. it is also currently not overpriced, market price about $92

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