Which stock markets are best recommended to invest and diversify $500?
Asked 4 years ago
I'm a beginner, new to the stocks, and looking to invest $500. I also need advice about where to find reputable signals, stock market advice, and resources.
Thorsten Steins
Sunday, April 11, 2021
This question is difficult to answer. In general, actually all large and well-known stock exchanges are ideal for stock trading. However, I do not assume that you want to trade the shares directly on the exchanges. In this case, you probably use one of the many broker platforms that can currently be found everywhere on the Internet.
If you use one of these providers or want to use then you should check with the platforms on which and with how many exchanges the online platforms work together. Mandatory are in any case the exchanges from London, New York and London London. Stock exchanges from other European countries would also be good.
Some providers even have offers from the stock exchanges in Shanghai, Hong Kong and other Asian cities. Here, however, one should ensure the seriousness of the online platform. This way you can protect yourself from unpleasant surprises when trading stocks.
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