Are Mondays the best time to buy stocks for short selling?

Asked 4 years ago

I'm starting to explore different stock market investment techniques and short selling caught my attention. It looks like Mondays are the best times for buying stocks, is it?

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Thursday, April 08, 2021

Friday is the best day to take a short-selling position (if stock prices are higher on Friday), and Monday is the best day to buy stocks.

Even though there is little evidence for such a market-wide effect, some people still believe in the Monday-Effect. Anecdotally, traders say the stock market tends to drop on Monday. Maybe because most bad news is often released on weekends or because of investors' gloomy mood at returning to work - which is evident during the early Monday trading.

However, you are better off buying stocks on Monday than any other day of the week and potentially snap up bargains in the process.

If you're interested in short-selling, Friday is the best day to sell stocks before prices dip again on Monday.

Thorsten Steins

Friday, May 07, 2021


Whether Monday is a very good day to invest in the stock market is something that is hotly debated among investors. Generally it is true that it is the start of the week and therefore the prices are still "fresh". However, this can have both advantages and disadvantages.

Many investors claim that at the end of the week, prices often fall a bit. In this case, it makes sense to take advantage of the lower price right at the beginning on Monday before it - perhaps - rises again in the course of the week. In addition, a lot of information about stock companies often only becomes known at the weekend. The start of the week is then of course ideal to react early to possible information.

On the other hand, prices only develop in the course of the day, which can possibly lead to unexpected price fluctuations. A not inconsiderable risk for investors.

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