What stock screeners do you use to find high dividend-yielding stocks?
Asked 4 years ago
Hi, I want to start building up a passive income by trading in the stock market. Which stock screeners do you use to find stocks with good dividend growth rates? What are some key things you can give on how to use a stock screener for value investing?
Osasere Okunloye
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Study the company's fundamentals. check for companies with long term profitability, consistent annual growth and growth expectations of 5% to 15%. Also, avoid companies with a debt to equity ratio of more than 2.0. Also, consider the broad industry. If the oil industry isn't doing well, chances are that a high dividend oil company may begin to depreciate.
Andia Rispah Igobwa
Thursday, August 05, 2021
You can use Charles Schwab's screeners. Only go for companies that have long-term, sustainable dividends and are financially stable.
On the dividend question, select "dividend yield" as the required criteria.
Ask for an 8% return on equity or higher (even though you can accept lower).
To meet your screening criteria, the company must not be in bankruptcy or have significant debts of over $350 million.
Another stock screener that is better for those who require a balance between growth rates and yield is Yahoo!'s SCREEN tool. Here, there is no need to enter your parameters, but other filters can still be limited if desired.
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