Are all stocks in a copy portfolio purchased immediately or bit by bit?

Asked 4 years ago

I hope someone can clarify this for me. Say you invested in a copy portfolio at a random time: is the purchase of the entire portfolio made immediately or one stock at a time, once a day? If one at a time, are you still required to have the full portfolio amount in your account? A bit befuddled here.

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Monday, August 09, 2021

The 'Price Optimizer determines the price of a stock in CopyPortfolio.' It means that one stock trades at a different time than another stock.

In other words: you do not have to buy all the stocks in one go. When you decide to invest (copy) into CopyPortfolio, your investment is placed into a pool, and our trading engine will "optimize" how this pool of money should be invested.

That means that trades are executed once per day, based on the current prices at that time.

For example: when you decide to invest in CopyPortfolio at 11:00 AM, your investment is placed into the pool. At 4:00 PM, our engine will choose how that money should be invested (if there are trades available).

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