Is being a day trader easy?

Asked 3 years ago

Is the day trading strategy easy to grasp and make a success of?

Andrew Moran

Monday, November 08, 2021

Not, not at all.

Day trading is one of the hardest jobs you can do for a plethora of reasons.

For one, this is your money, so the stress and pressure of trying to turn a profit is immense.

The other aspect is that a lot of emotion goes into day trading, particularly when you are starting out. Money managers and professional investment firms are using clients' funds instead of their own. Put simply, you have to be a robot to day trade.

Next, you need to be comfortable reading charts, identifying patterns, and understanding technical indicators. As time goes by, you will inevitably be comfortable monitoring the financial markets.

Suffice it to say, day trading is not for the faint of heart, especially considering that you need a minimum of $20,000 to be labeled as a day trader.

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