How to trade commodities on eToro?

Asked 3 years ago

Hi, I started trading on eToro and I'm interested in commodities. I have the following questions: Are commodities good for long-term investments or considered high risk? Which would you say are best for trading? (Which is the most stable commodity) How do you read commodities? Thanks in advance :)

Andrew Moran

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Yes, commodities are certainly superb long-term holdings for any portfolio, as long as you pay attention to what happens in the broader market, from agriculture to energy to metals, which can be volatile, to say the least.

Risk management is achieved by keeping eyes on the headlines, pouring through industry reports, and monitoring public policy.

Your financial assets in commodities, whether short and long positions, can be diversified in this realm.

  • Stocks
  • Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
  • Contract For Differences (CFDs)

Today, the commodities market is trading at or near all-time highs. But there are still plenty of opportunities, such as crude oil and silver. You can also short the market today with inverse leverage funds.

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