Why do the prices for the same stock differ between the Market Watch window and the chart on MetaTrader 4?
Asked 4 years ago
Hi fellow investors. I use the Market Watch window and the chart on MetaTrader 4 to analyze and watch the market for the right buy and sell times. However, today I noticed that the Market Watch window and MetaTrader 4 had the exact same stock, but they were priced differently. How is that supposed to work? Shouldn't they be the same, surely?
Andia Rispah Igobwa
Tuesday, August 03, 2021
MetaTrader 4 provides multiple rate feeds to its developer, MetaQuotes. It means that the charts display different prices for a given market while your account's pricing is shown within either Market Watch or on trade tickets.
MetaTrader 4 operates with third-party platforms and supplies them with both aggregated as well as default rates. Therefore, there are differences in the price displayed throughout various parts of MT4, such as charting tools and Trade Ticket windows between what one's account displays versus those already set by an aggregate feed.
It shows up when using certain functions like Charts (though they can also be manually adjusted).
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