Is Kraft Heinz a good stock for long-term investment?
Asked 4 years ago
I'm thinking of investing in Kraft Heinz for dividends and as a long-term investment holding in a Roth IRA. All opinions are welcome.
Andrew Moran
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Yes. Kraft Heinz is an incredible brand and it continues to adapt to changing market conditions and introduce new products to the marketplace.
When looking at the fundamentals, the stock has climbed about 17% year-to-date, the yield is 3.93%, and the consensus rating is between "Buy" and "Hold."
It is true that the dividend has decreased from $0.625 to $0.40, this is still an attractive yield considering what you can get elsewhere for a $40 stock.
The shorts do not seem interested in betting against Kraft as the percentage of float shorted is less than 2%.
Overall, KHC is a long-term hold, so take advantage of the dips.
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