What is the best large growth ETFs to invest in?

Asked 4 years ago

I want to set up a custodial stock account for both of my grandsons so that they have a little nest egg by the time they are 21. What is the best large growth ETFs to invest in right now?

Raifu (Ismail) Tobi

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Setting up a trust fund for kids are one of the best things you can do for your children apart from being there with them while they grow up. VTI, APPLE, TESLA, AMAZON and SP500 are some of the best ETFs to invest in on a long term. They are companies that have been around for over a decade and have been growing since. Investing in them on a long term is good bet, most especially for the kids. Most tech companies are going to be around for a long time because tech has taken over the world and this is just the early stage as more tech innovations are coming out every day.

EV stocks are another ETFs to look at. With the amazing success of TESLA, motor companies adopting EV technology are going to be a good stock to bet on because the world is gradually moving to EVs, so the next 5-10 years will be a great year for EV companies. I am personally looking at VOLKSWAGEN to stock to invest in for my kids.

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