What info do you need to research before investing?
Asked 3 years ago
Hi, I want to start investing and trading stocks. What information do you look for to find good stocks to buy?
Andia Rispah Igobwa
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
When people think of the stock market, they think about buying and selling stocks. The real process is much more complex than that. To get started with researching stocks, you can read many public financial documents, such as a company's Form 10-K and annual report. With a little bit of practice, you can learn how to read the numbers and assess what might be going on within a company.
Value investing is a method that looks to the company itself to help assess the value of a given stock, not just the market figures. Value investing focuses on identifying undervalued companies or have long-term positive outlooks instead of short-term speculative stocks that fluctuate based on trends. This investing method focuses more on the long-term value, growth, and potential of a stock instead of short-term speculation.
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