Which website is best recommended for reading about the top, tried-and-tested dividend stocks?
Asked 4 years ago
I'm a newbie investor in college, and I'm starting with 1k. I have 2 shares of PG and 10 of WY. Which websites do you recommend I visit to learn more and further my knowledge about stock market investments?
Andrew Moran
Monday, July 05, 2021
I know a lot of people criticize this website, but its recommendations have helped me add a modest income and generate capital gains: The Motley Fool. The publication has plenty of dividend recommendations.
That said, from other dividend investors, the top three sites are typically:
- Dividend.com
- Dividend Investor
- Dividend Stocks Online (some of the content is for members only)
But your approach right now works since you are still in college and you're starting small. Continue trading Procter and Gamble and Weyerhaeuser and build your positions to increase your quarterly dividend payments.
Once you have more income, you can broaden your horizons with other dividend stocks, including monthly securities.
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