What are some legit resources that give info about stocks that seemingly double overnight?
Asked 4 years ago
Where do you all get your info from?? How do I get in on the action? How do you find out about these stocks that seemingly double overnight? Or the penny stocks that go from .50 to $10?? Im struggling to find the best resources, the most trustworthy sources, etc. Help!
Andia Rispah Igobwa
Saturday, June 05, 2021
Yahoo Finance, Wall Street Journal, Motley Fool. You can also read articles, all finance news, and beginner-friendly trading videos on YouTube.
Learn how to analyze stock markets and use StockTwits or StockMaster app to look up stocks.
Also, read what other stockholders say on StockTwits.
Learn all indicators, overlays, and understand candlesticks and StockMaster helps a ton.
Always start with beginner-level audiobooks during your commute time or videos in your free time.
Ziptrader on YouTube, Wall Street Journal, books, and online tools for research are your perfect and legit resources.
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