Should I copy open trades on eToro?

Asked 3 years ago

Hello investors and traders. I started copy trading (going okay so far), and I've just come across an open position. Should I copy those as well? Yes or no, and what are your reasons behind your answer?

Osasere Okunloye

Saturday, September 18, 2021

If it is a short trade, you shouldn't copy an already opened trade because you may be entering when the price is already high. If it is a long term trade, it will be okay to copy an open trade since long term investors open and close trade less frequently. You will still have enough time to grow your asset.

Andrew Moran

Friday, September 24, 2021

When you are participating in social trading on a platform like eToro, and you are maintaining a trading strategy that is more on the short-term side, it is best to avoid copying open trades.

The main reason is that you may be buying in at fresh highs or you could be chasing a stock, competing with other short-term traders who decided to take profit.

If your style is to copy new trades, be sure to engage in a buy and hold long-term investment tactic. This can be achieved by doing the little things, such as monitoring the buy and sell rates spread and comparing the trader's research with your own.

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