How can I prevent my open positions from being liquidated?

Asked 3 years ago

Help! I'm on the brink of having my trading liquidated. I'm worried that I will lose all my money. Is it possible to avoid liquidation? If so, what do I do to save my shares?

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

There are several proactive strategies you may take to avoid liquidation and manage risk:

  • Keep an eye on the status of your open trades.
  • To limit risk on the downside, add a stop-loss order for each open trade. You can establish the stop-loss rate when you execute a trade or add a stop-loss order at any moment for any open position. Stop-loss orders may also be adjusted at any time to take current market conditions into account. Stop-loss orders may not always prevent you from losing money.
  • Keep a cushion in your account above and beyond your required margin. These excess funds act as a safety net, shielding you from market losses. If you approach your margin restrictions, either reduce the size of your position gradually or add money to your account right away.
  • Reduce your leverage level. You are free to request a change in leverage at any time.

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