How to tell if a stock is a pump-and-dump scam?

Asked 4 years ago

Hi, I'm concerned that I might have been targeted by a pump-and-dump scheme. IS there any way to tell if that is the case? How do I tell if a stock is being pumped to save myself the loss?

Andrew Moran

Friday, September 10, 2021

For investors who joined the stock market at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, they might have seen plenty of pump-and-dump stocks: Alpha Pro Tech, Hertz (at the time), JC Penney, iBio, and so much more.

But pump-and-dump stocks have been around for many years, particularly in the over-the-counter market or pink sheets system. It's just that the short-term hype can be hard to fathom because of the internet.

That said, here are some signs that a stock is being pumped just to do dump on the bag holders:

  • There is a sudden volume spike after months or years of stagnant volumes.
  • The stock is being marketed in digital advertisements or you have received emails from multiple sources.
  • A brokerage firm or broker is selling penny stocks that are not registered.
  • A stock with a small capitalization or micro capitalization surges 50% in one week.

Ultimately, if you are being guaranteed incredible returns from a stock that is trading at $0.20, you are being pushed into a pump-and-dump.

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