Can you really make a profit from copy trading as a beginner?
Asked 4 years ago
Hello. Can I really make a profit from copy trading? I've never traded or touched the stock market before and I'm not sure I'd be able to wrap my head around the technicalities. Copy-trading sounds too good to be true, to be honest. Can anyone verify this? Thansk a lot!
Osasere Okunloye
Monday, December 20, 2021
Put simply, copy trading allows you to mimic the investment strategies of a more experienced investor. Now, it has it's risk. Even as a beginner, try and learn a thing or two about what you want to trade. Don't just dive in without knowing what you're getting into. Learn. Sure You can make profit from copy trading as a beginner if you follow the right steps, but you can also make losses as well. Piece of advise, only risk what you're willing to lose. Don't risk what can damage you if you lose it.
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