How do I transfer funds from a bank to a TFSA account in Questrade Trading Platform?
Asked 4 years ago
I want to transfer account funds, but I've got no cooking clue how to! Appreciate any info that can help. Thanks!!
Andrew Moran
Monday, July 05, 2021
When you open an account with Questrade, you will be required to connect your trading account with a financial account of your choosing.
For example, if I begin trading with Questrade, I will need to select a bank (TD, CIBC, or BMO) to withdraw and deposit funds.
Now, in order to do this, there is likely a transfer feature on the Questrade platform where you can choose what amount you wish to withdraw or deposit.
One more thing: Be sure you keep track of how much contribution room you have. It is common to be unaware how much money you have left when you are going in between accounts.
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