Is the Questrade brokerage platform safe?

Asked 4 years ago

Hey, I'm looking for a new trading platform. I had a bad run-in with eToro, and I don't want to use their services anymore. Does anywhere here use Questrade? They look to be a good broker. Any pointers to brokerage platform reviews would be great, thanks.

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Questrade is a good brokerage but not suitable for beginners due to its more complex interface and lack of built-in tutorials.

Brokerage platforms are rarely "safe" in that they offer many order types with different liquidity risks, so it's difficult to answer your question accurately in those broad terms.

We recommend you do the following as a minimum for any online trading account:

  1. Understand what you're buying (and why) before clicking the "buy" button.
  2. Do your research to determine which markets you want access to and how frequently each has traded lately on average (i.e., when are they open?). For example, some exchanges have global hours and others

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