Which course do you recommend I use to learn day trading?

Asked 3 years ago

Hi, I'm a single mother of two, and I'm interested in day trading to have a bit of extra income on the side or change jobs to earn a salary as a day trader. Where do you recommend I study for day trading?

David Hay

Sunday, October 03, 2021

Day trading isn't the most popular way of trading but if it's the route you want to go down, then there are plenty of assets out there to help and give you some guidance. The Stock Whisperer is a trusted resource on twitter. Take whatever webinars you can and practice on simulators.

Andrew Moran

Sunday, October 17, 2021

First, be aware that day trading is quite risky and it is not for everyone.

Second, you should only invest money that you are willing to lose. This is true for any type of stock trading, whether it is day-to-day or long-term.

Third, if you want a crash course to become a day trader as soon as possible, here are some good sources:

  • Udemy
  • Best Bull Traders
  • Timothy Sykes Trading Program
  • Warrior Trading

Also, be sure to monitor the headlines and participate in plenty of stock trading communities not named Wall Street Bets. You can learn a lot about stock trading by reading from your peers.

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