How much will CCIV stock be worth in the next 5 years?

Asked 4 years ago

Since Churchill Capital IV suffered a massive drop in the merger, this could be a ripe opportunity for buying/investing. Fellow traders, what do your forecasts say? Sure, what goes up comes down and goes back up again. But, how far up do you think it will go in the 5 years? Let's hear it!

Osasere Okunloye

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Yeah, I think so too. Generally, when stock merges, it is because they see a good opportunity to increase their value. By the way, the numbers are looking good. Lucid vehicles want to produce more than 200,000 vehicles in 2026, and if sales are massive, the stock value will increase drastically. Although there is no guarantee, I think this is the best time to hold CCIV stocks.

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