Which mutual or index funds would you suggest as a secure investment for my ROTH IRA?

Asked 4 years ago

I have td. Cash account, and a Roth. I'm looking for some more secure investments for my Roth. Index? Mutuals? What do you guys suggest?

Andrew Moran

Wednesday, June 09, 2021

If I'm starting out from scratch with a Roth IRA, here is what I would begin putting my money toward:

Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund (VTSAX)

  1. 06/09: $107.06
  2. YTD Return: 12.38%
  3. Yield: 1.29%

Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF (VIG)

  • 06/09: $154.77
  • YTD Return: 10.31%
  • Yield: 1.50%

SPDR S&P Dividend ETF (SDY)

  • 06/09: $126.76
  • YTD Return: 20.36%
  • Yield: 2.52%

Also, if you are looking for weekly income to add to your Roth IRA, this is something to consider:

SoFi Weekly Income ETF (TGIF)

  • 06/03: $106.33
  • YTD Return: 3.3%
  • Yield: $0.05 (per week)

It is worth noting that the financial market is way overvalued right now, thanks to the Federal Reserve's easy money policies. Interest rates are bound to climb and the central bank is planning to taper monetary policy. So, this is something to think about as you begin to invest in the market.

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