Should I invest in Safemoon Cryptocurrency long-term?

Asked 3 years ago

Hi, I'm using Webull for trading stocks, and I want to expand my portfolio to cryptocurrency. I'm interested in Safemoon; is it safe to invest in for the long term, and does Webull have it?

Andrew Moran

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

No, the Safemoon cryptocurrency is not a good long-term investment.

Compared to other virtual tokens, Safemoon possesses and offers very little utility. Because of its price and supply, the crypto is prone to pumps and dumps.

That said, if you are considering buying and holding Safemoon, you may need to look elsewhere beyond Webull since this trading platform does not sell the digital currency. It only has charts, prices, and information for clients.

The exchanges where you can buy Safemoon:

  • BitMart
  • ZB Global
  • Hotbit

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