How many ETFs should I invest in for my retirement IRA?
Asked 4 years ago
So I'm thinking of going into an all ETF strategy in my retirement IRA. I am only 1 year into stock trading and have about 4k invested so far. I'm thinking of investing in 4 ETFs. Is that too many or not enough? Can someone please drop knowledge on me?
Andia Rispah Igobwa
Thursday, June 10, 2021
EFTs are a good option to consider, plus stock exposure in low-cost and diversified funds and bond exposure in a managed fund.
So if you want to buy funds that create income, such as dividend EFTs or bonds EFTs, an IRA is an ideal account to hold them.
Interest from bonds and dividends from stocks can be taxed as ordinary income in a regular brokerage account.
But if you hold these investments in a Roth IRA, you don’t have to pay this tax.
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