Is investing in two ETFs diversified enough for a good portfolio?

Asked 4 years ago

Hi all, I am needing some advice. I am currently investing only in VDHG and want to diversify. I am just not sure which other ETF to invest in. I am currently using Self Wealth to purchase. Is investing in 2 ETF’s diversified enough? Can anyone suggest ETF’s that they are investing in and think will be successful?

David Hay

Friday, June 11, 2021

What sectors are you in in your ETF's? I would advise checking the best holdings within the ETF you are looking at, large caps, small caps, bonds, commodities, growth etc. Investigate and research everything! Choose a reliable platform to get started and try and find a platform with licensed investors. Make sure you know which direction you want to move in before committing.

Osasere Okunloye

Monday, August 09, 2021

One ETF is not good enough, you can make it two or three and wait for it to grow before diversifying further with your dividends. I think SPLG could be a good ETF for long term investment. They are a cheap and modernised S&P500 ETF. Their ETF stock price currently stands at 51.96, with a good prospect of increased dividends in the future.

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