How to know when should I sell and rebuy Dogecoin?

Asked 3 years ago

I've been holding Dogecoin, and the price seems to go up. I'm not sure when I should sell my coins and when I can buy more. How long should I hold Dogecoin? Also, since I don’t know how much it will go up, I typically wait too long and miss out because it would have already fallen back into the negatives. How do I judge this?

Arthur Nwosu

Monday, August 23, 2021

Usually, a couple of these coins like the doge coin have charts. This is the first thing every investor should probably look at.

The best time to buy is when there is a dip in the price. At this price point, it would be considered cheap.

Everybody who still holds the coin at that moment would likely wait to sell it off. This is the best time to buy.

Best time to sell is when price is seen to be going above where it dipped from. At this point, anybody who doesn't have the coin would be interested in buying. Candid advice: sell off some coins at this point while keeping some because price could go further.

Gaige Perry

Monday, August 23, 2021

Dogecoin is considered a currency, not stock, and the recommended amount to have in your portfolio is 1%.

Arthur Nwosu

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

There are really three conditions in any trading market. the overpriced condition, underpriced, and the equilibrium condition. frankly, the equilibrium price point is vague as you can't exactly pinpoint a certain area that you can confidently call equilibrium. the best time to sell in my opinion is when the market is in an overpriced condition ie a condition where the market has been seen to be rallying up, at this point, retail traders who would not want to miss out on the move would be looking to get in. this is the best time to sell off, as there would be an influx of new buying interest by retail traders.

The best time to buy back into the market is when the market is underpriced, ie, a market condition where price has been dropping. at this point people who still hold the asset would want to bail on it; either to keep whatever profit they still have or to reduce the losses they already incurred.

in simpler terms, buy when the price dips below a swing low, sell when price sweeps above a swing high

Filip Dimkovski

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Since Dogecoin is a part of the cryptocurrency market, it's no secret that it's incredible volatile. Its average price has been around 0.25$ in recent months, though it had a significant price fluctuation a couple of months ago. Its highest price has been 0.74$, so we might see it returning to the top in the following years or months. Nevertheless, most experts don't recommend Dogecoin as a long-term investment. This is because it has been largely regarded as a "meme coin" and its price has fluctuated after Twitter posts from popular figures. You don't want to lose 30% of your investment over night because Elon Musk made a bad Tweet yesterday. Consider Dogecoin if you're up for a short-term profit, and buy it after it dips below its average 6-month price. Resell it once it peeks around 10-20% above the average.

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