What is the best CCIV options trading strategy?

Asked 4 years ago

Looking for experienced traders' advice: What options trading strategy have you found works best for you? I want to try out a strategy using Churchill Capital IV stock. I'm fairly new to this stock market trading game, so I'm open to any recommendations and teachings. I look forward to all your advice, and thanks a lot!

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Monday, August 09, 2021

I would recommend the buy and hold strategy, buying stocks at the time of your choosing with a secondary goal of looking for dividends along the way to maximize your investments.

Dividends are usually paid quarterly and represent a portion of investment value that is returned as profit. You should be aware that not all companies pay dividends. Still, they exist within certain sectors (i.e., banks) to reward investors for their loyalty when it may not be feasible or profitable for an organization to distribute profits through more traditional means such as expanding or initiating other projects/initiatives.

Be sure you know how much money you can't afford to lose.

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