How to buy bonds and trade options on Questrade?
Asked 3 years ago
Ola amigos! I am super amped to buy bonds, invest in options, and start trading! I've been practicing with paper money for a while now, and I feel I'm ready to move to real money and start gaining. The only thing is that I've never used Questrade before. Can someone please tell me if I can buy bonds and how to navigate Questrade? Thanks in advance for any help.
Andia Rispah Igobwa
Tuesday, September 07, 2021
One of the best parts about trading on Questrade is that it's relatively easy to find what you're looking for.
The straightforward menus help you get through the complex world of trading investments.
The first thing you'll want to do is click on "Buy & Sell" towards the top left.
Then pick "Investments" and then "Equity Securities."
From there, it'll bring up a list of all equity securities traded in Canada - which are either listed or tradable stocks.
This will include mutual funds and ETFs though they might not have these under this listing- just make sure where you put them in your portfolio is something like "Miscellaneous Income."
Andrew Moran
Thursday, September 09, 2021
Welcome to the exciting world of investing!
First, yes, you can purchase bonds on Questrade. In fact, you have lots of bond options on the trading platforms, whether through your TFSA or RRSP:
- Municipal and provincial bonds.
- Corporate bonds.
- Strip bonds.
- Corporate Bonds.
- High-yield bonds.
What is also great about acquiring bonds on Questrade is that they are commission-free, but you are required to have a minimum purchase of $5,000.
Second, yes, you can trade options on Questrade, and you will need a margin account. It should be noted that the trading platform, like any other, will utilize the remaining cash in your margin account before borrowing funds to invest.
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