Is trading with a forex demo account on Easymarkets accurate?

Asked 4 years ago

Hey peeps I've heard from some people that trading demo accounts are inaccurate. I want to start using the Easymarkets [platform, but I'm not s sure. Is it accurate?

Arthur Nwosu

Friday, July 09, 2021

The general observation across different brokers is that there is a disparity in their chart offerings. One reason is because these brokers operate differently. They would have different spreads. What would appear to be say a 30 pip move on one platform could be more or less on another platform.

In my own personal opinion from comparison, I don't think Easymarket is inaccurate.

Also, it doesn't sound logical for brokers to offer inaccurate market readings. This just opens them up to litigation and bad reviews. Well, possibly, there may be a few.

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