HYCM demo account: recommended for beginner traders?
Asked 3 years ago
I heard that I should start with a demo trading account fr practicing before I start full-on trading. Would you recommend an HYCM demo account? I'm not really sure I understand what a demo account even is or how it works. Can I make money with a demo account?
Osasere Okunloye
Wednesday, September 01, 2021
A demo account is an account where you can trade with all the conditions of trading, learn new strategies and develop your trading technique without putting your money on the line. Once you open an HYCM demo account, you will be given $50,000 virtual funds to trade with. You will not be able to withdraw from this account.
Andrew Moran
Thursday, September 02, 2021
First, a demo account is when you trade in real-time with fake money. You do not use real funds until you are ready to utilize an active trading account. This is beneficial because it gives you a taste of what it is like to participate in the stock, forex, or cryptocurrency markets.
So, no, you will not make money with a demo account.
When it comes to Henyep Capital Markets, you should certainly test out the demo account before you are fully ready to plunge headfirst into the investment world.
Because this is your money, you do not want to walk into the financial markets blind and without a cane. A demo account offers you a glimpse.
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