What are the best chat rooms or places on social media to follow real-time stock market trading signals?
Asked 4 years ago
I can’t figure out where to go on Fidelity to see after-market news and the updated figures. Are there any other places I can check out?
Thorsten Steins
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Chat room in social media are very popular. You can find them everywhere. Facebook, Twitter, linkedIn or various forums - they all offer the chance to join a group for discussing stocks and trading opportunities. Even Youtube offers the chance to make comments on the channels wich offers tips and trick of prominent traders.
If you join a group of traders, however, you should make sure that the other participants have the appropriate level of experience. If a group of beginners enters into discussions regarding stock trading, it is really not certain that this will lead to serious buy or sell recommendations. Rather, it can happen that you invest your money in good faith completely wrong and end up paying on it.
It is certainly interesting to exchange experiences with other investors on social media - but normally as a basis for the stock business, this is of little use
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