What are technical indicators in MetaTrader 4?

Asked 4 years ago

I've been told that I must look at the technical indicators when deciding when to buy and sell currencies. But what are the technical indicators, and how do they help me determine my position?

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Friday, September 17, 2021

Indicators in MetaTrader 4 are highly effective technical analysis tools that may assist you in recognizing market trends and providing evidence to support your forecasts for future price changes.

When you install MT4 from IG, you receive six of the most popular indicators on the platform for free.

When you buy a financial product, it is important to have a trading strategy. There are four trading strategies for a CFD's trading strategy: long position, short position, technical analysis, and fundamental analysis.

A long position is the buying of a product to open a position. When you buy a CFD, you expect the value of the financial product to increase in value, giving you a profit. The goal of taking a long position is for a price increase.

A short position is the selling of a CFD that has been bought previously. When you short a product, you expect the price to decrease in value, reducing your profit. The goal of taking a short position is for a price decrease.

Technical analysis uses past information about market trends and prices to predict future market movements. Indicators that use technical analysis include moving averages, support and resistance levels, chart patterns, cycles, and many more.

Fundamental analysis uses the actual factors that impact the value of a stock, including economic reports and current events, to predict future market movements. Indicators that use fundamental analysis include dividend yield, PE ratio, among others.

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