How can I become a signal provider on MT4?
Asked 4 years ago
Hi guys, I'm ready to share trading signals. I've been trading for a couple of years now, and I'm pretty confident about my timing because my learning and practice have yielded great results. Does anyone here know how I can become a signal provider and form a MetaTrader4 community?
Osasere Okunloye
Thursday, July 15, 2021
To be able to provide signals, you need to register as a seller. Move to the seller section of the website and click register. A registration form will appear where you will fill in basic details. If you are registering as an individual, you will be required to submit a scanned copy of your identity card.
Andrew Moran
Monday, September 06, 2021
The entire process begins by registering your MT4 trading account as a "seller," which is required when you are a paid social signals provider.
The next step is completing a registration form:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company
- Country
- Address
- City / Town
- State
- Postal Code
- Phone
- Mobile Phone
You then upload a scanned copy of your personal identity document, like a driver's license or a passport. You will also be required to upload a scanned copy of your certificate of corporation if you are a legal entity.
Now, to provide a signal to the MT4 community, the next step is to click on "Add Signal." This is another form to complete to provide your insight in the platform:
- Signal Name
- Terminal (MT4)
- Login
- Password
- Broker
- Account Type
- Subscription Price
Once all of these steps are completed, you will need to monitor your signals by visiting the "My Signals" aspect of your account. This gives you information pertaining to growth, subscribers, number of weeks, trades, and percentage of profitable trades.
You can edit at any time, whether it disabling a signal or setting a signal as private.
On a side note, the key to becoming a successful signal provider in the MT4 community, is paying attention to your audience (subscribers) and regularly improving upon your trading signals.
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