Which is the easiest company to understand and to invest in?
Asked 4 years ago
I'm currently learning the ins and outs of stocks and investments, however, the company information is fairly complicated and hard for me to understand. Which company is easy to understand and best recommended to invest in?
Thorsten Steins
Monday, April 19, 2021
One of the most important basics for share traders is to inform themselves as comprehensively as possible about companies before buying the shares of the respective group. However, it is usually not easy to find out as much as possible about interesting companies. Of course, one can inform oneself about balance sheets and also about the respective field of activity. However, the difficulty lies in the fact that many stock companies are often active in many areas and sectors and they can all influence the share price of the company at any time. Good examples of this are Samsung, Sony or Thyssen.
Ideally, one should look for a stock company that does not spread its field of activity so widely and concentrates only on one area or one product. Nevertheless, this company should have a high degree of recognition so that it is present in the media as often as possible. This makes it easier for investors to regularly inform themselves about the company's strategies, goals and measures without having to do a lot of research every few days to find out about the latest rumours surrounding their own share portfolio.
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