Why should I have a specific amount of money in my live trading account to avoid a delayed ticker in my paper trading account?

Asked 4 years ago

TDA customer support is telling me that my paper trading account will be delayed by 20 minutes unless I have $500 in the live trading account. There is $$1mio in the paper trading account why does it matter how much is in my live account?

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Paper trading is without risking real money, but you dont make any money off paper trading. But you need real money on your trading account to avoid a delayed ticker. Paper trading delays because you have to pay for real-time data, and it is the only source of revenue for the exchange.

Paper trading is a free service the exchange provides you to practice without the risk of losing any money, but it is a loss-making business for the firm - just processing trades. So they have to either give you delayed data or charge you in real-time.

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