How do I see my paper trading transaction history on TD Ameritrade?

Asked 4 years ago

Morning, I'm using the TD paper money platform for practicing options trading, and so far, I've been getting the hang of it, I think. People have started getting interested in what I am doing, and not too long ago, I made a really good trade while I had an 'Aha' moment. I would really like to share the lesson and the trade with those people. Is there any way I can go back to it?

Andrew Moran

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Here is a step-by-step breakdown of how to access your paper trading history on TD Ameritrade:

Go to the "Order History" section.

Select the V-shaped arrow on the left side and see a detailed history of each trade.

Choose the columns at the top for:

  • Time Placed
  • Spread
  • Quantity
  • Position Effect
  • Expiration
  • Order Type
  • Status

The "Trade History" also provides similar information, except this section will only show trades that have been filled.

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