Why are sell options for some stocks greyed out on eToro?

Asked 4 years ago

Hi all, this may be something simple to answer but I have looked at a few stocks ( Oatley, Rolls Royce, Nio, and Riot Block Chain). All of these have the sell option greyed out. Can anyone tell me why? TIA.

Hailee Johnson

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Certain features are disabled for some stocks on eToro. The sell option is not available for that particular stock at the moment. What you do is to buy those stocks and then close your position instead of selling. That way, you can collect your profit without using the sell option.

Jakobe Carter

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The sell option is not available for volatile stocks. Hence, it is greyed out for any high-risk stock. The sell option is also disabled after trading hours, and if there is no more stock to sell. Not all markets are available for trade at the moment on eToro.

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Sell options for Oatley, Rolls Royce, Nio, and Riot BlockChain have greyed out to protect traders.

As the financial market has wavered in recent weeks, some securities are not trading at "good value," which is likely to put traders at a competitive disadvantage if they had no other recourse than selling conventional stocks as sell orders.

Filip Dimkovski

Filip Dimkovski

Sunday, February 06, 2022

There are a couple of potential reasons why the "sell" option could be greyed out, but it's probably because eToro doesn't allow you to short (i.e. "sell") positions on every stock. Regarding the stocks you mentioned, like Rolls Royce and Riot BlockChain - these are often regarded as extremely volatile stocks. This means that they often have drastic price changes, and could very well lose you your money.

Keep in mind that the "sell" option also get's turned off when the stock market is closed. Remember that the stock market's open hours are from 9:30 AM to 4 PM Eastern Time.

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