Which trading platform is safe and recommended?
Asked 4 years ago
I want to use my tax return to buy stocks and I need a safe place to start, which platform do you recommend?
Filip Dimkovski
Saturday, April 10, 2021
I wouldn't waste much of my time on researching which trading platform is safe, seriously. Just pick one where that doesn't restrict your country/region and make sure it has good user reviews. Other than that, your time is much better spent on researching stock options & what to invest it.
If you'd like more precise advice, just pick one from this list: https://www.investopedia.com/best-online-brokers-4587872
Also, consider contacting your chosen platform's customer support team before investing any of your money. Ask the representatives if there are any restrictions regarding deposits/withdrawals; a lot of traders have made a profit they later can't cash out.
Thorsten Steins
Sunday, April 11, 2021
If you are thinking about investing in stocks you should consider some basic things when choosing a platform. First of all, it should be a trustworthy platform. That is, a platform that is subject to European or US regulations. If you have little experience in stock trading, it would be good if the broker platform requires a low minimum deposit. This way, you can quickly and easily gain your first experience with little capital.
When choosing a platform for stock trading, you should make sure that the platform ideally provides regular information about stock trading. This reduces the need to search for information yourself.
I assume that the corresponding learning and training opportunities are offered, since this is now provided by most providers. Especially without first experiences in stock trading, appropriate training opportunities are a basic requirement for success and you should use them in any case.
Arthur Nwosu
Thursday, July 08, 2021
A couple of things you need to consider when trying to pick out a platform for any kind of market.
1. The platform should generally be easy to use. You don't want to trade on a platform that is complex to understand and operate. This would to a large degree, affect your trading experience, which in turn could lead to financial loss.
2. You want a platform that offers great customer representation. Platforms that answer to queries and complaints quickly.
3. You also want a platform that is rich with both research and trading tools. The research tools should give you access to more knowledge about the market. the trading tools should facilitate better trading methods.
You could try out any of the following
I. TD Ameritrade
2. Fidelity investment
3. Charles Schwab.
Please note, they all could have different fee rates attached to using their platforms.. So at your discretion, choose whichever suits you preference
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