Which platform is better for Copy-trading: Webull or eToro?

Asked 4 years ago

eToro vs. Webull? Which broker would you say I should use if I want to go into copy trading and following popular investors?

Osasere Okunloye

Thursday, August 05, 2021

Both eToro and Webull are good legit copy trading platforms. However, eToro has a reputation as the most popular copy trading platform. In fact, the term "popular investor" is exclusive to eToro. Additionally, eToro trade more financial instruments, so you have more options when using eToro.

Avik Das

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Both eToro and Webull are popular copy trading platforms. Both companies have low fees. However, eToro has over 2000 financial platforms. On the other hand, Webull has around 100, giving the former a healthy edge. eToro is also the most trustable and popular platform among traders. With all these things in mind, it is better to go for eToro.

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