Is Wealthsimple Trade a safe brokerage platform?

Asked 4 years ago

Hey everyone, is Wealthsimple Trade legitimate and secure? Does anyone here have any experience trading on there? Where can I find more Wealthsimple reviews?

Andrew Moran

Thursday, August 05, 2021

Yes, Weathsimple is safe since it is insured by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CPIF). If it goes bust, your investments are protected. Moreover, Wealthsimple is Canadian ShareOwner Investments and is a member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.

I have been trading with Wealthsimple for more than a year and I wish I did so sooner, especially during the COVID-induced market meltdown. It is a great service and it continues to expand its offerings as more people sign up for the service.

Whether you want zero-commission trading or robo-investing, Wealthsimple is something to have that complements your primary bank account.

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