How do you get a Platinum Plus membership on eToro?

Asked 3 years ago

Hi, I already use eToro on the basic tier, but I would like to upgrade to the platinum plus. What are the requirements? Do I need any verification documents, or would that not be necessary since I already have an account with eToro? Any guidance would be great. Thanks.

Andrew Moran

Saturday, September 04, 2021

Yes, there are equity requirements when you join the Platinum Plus or any other upgraded tiers.

You could be entered automatically if you possess the necessary levels, but if not, you need a minimum of $50,000 in "realized equity," which means the original value in any open positions. The profit or loss open positions are not considered in eToro Membership Club calculations.

In addition, your identity needs to be verified by the eToro team. You will be required to have some confirmation documents: proof of identity (passport, driver's license, or a national identification card), proof of address, and national tax number.

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