Can you lose money with the options wheel trading strategy?

Asked 4 years ago

Hi, I've been looking at new trading strategies. I've read that the wheel options trading strategy is a good way to make money, but how risky is it? Which trading strategies would you say are high and low risk, and more profitable?

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Monday, August 16, 2021

Understanding how to judge trading strategies for their level of risk and reward is important when seeking the perfect strategy that's right for your needs. The top options wheel trading strategy shapes out to be low risk with a middle ground level of profit.

The top strategies are high risks but yield more return (sometimes quadruple what you invested) than any other type, while the lowest risks may only make up as little as 50% of the amount invested. Again, it all comes down to what suits your personal investment style better.

Hierarchy of Trading Strategies:

1) High Risk = High Reward

2) Medium Risk = Average Return

3) Low Risk = Low Return

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