How do I cash out my earnings on Robinhood?

Asked 4 years ago

Can someone tell me how to withdraw instant deposits? I need to sell and pay a bill that's due today. Unfortunately, I don't have any other options right now. Please help!

Emmanuel Ajala

Thursday, June 17, 2021

It's actually quite easy to withdraw your money on Robinhood (as compared to other platforms) but there is nothing like instant withdrawal because funds need to be cleared for transfer. So it might take three to ten business days to get your withdrawal request processed.

Follow the steps below to withdraw your funds from Robinhood

  • Tap on the Account Icon
  • Click the Transfer button
  • Select the "Transfer to Account"
  • Select your account information from the list
  • Input the amount you want to withdraw on the next prompt
  • Hit the confirm button

Note: As already said above, you may be required to wait for some days to get your account funded.

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