Does PayPal charge fees for crypto?

Asked 3 years ago

Does PayPal charge a fee for either selling or holding cryptocurrency?

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Thursday, December 09, 2021

PayPal will charge high costs on fiat-to-crypto currency and crypto-to-fiat money exchange transactions. For transactions under $100, you can anticipate to pay 2.3% in charges; for transactions between $100 and $200, 1.8% in fees; and for transactions between $200 and $1,000,

There is a $0.50 charge for transactions under $25. According to the page, there will be a spread between the buy and sell prices. Fees will not be charged until 2021

Coinbase, on the other hand, charges 1.49% in conversion fees for transactions above $200 and a fixed fee below that amount.

Debit cards are more expensive when purchasing crypto assets, with Coinbase charging 3.99%. The Cash App by Square charges different fees, and Robinhood hides its costs behind a price markup on market prices.

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