Can I buy cryptocurrency through PayPal without verification?

Asked 3 years ago

So I know that I can still receive payments even though my Paypal account isn't verified, but can I buy crypto?

Andia Rispah Igobwa

Wednesday, January 05, 2022

You may buy cryptocurrencies with PayPal without providing any significant verification via decentralized P2P cryptocurrency exchanges. Local bitcoin vendors that accept PayPal may be found on P2P decentralized crypto exchanges.

You're not required to provide proof of identification when making a purchase with PayPal as a payment option. As decentralized crypto exchanges do not rely on centralization principles, you don't have to submit any identity verification when using PayPal as a payment method.

However, keep in mind that when buying cryptocurrencies with PayPal on peer-to-peer crypto exchanges, you only have to complete a few verification steps set by the cryptocurrency seller.

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