Stock pricePosts and articles about Stock priceCommunityWhat does the bid or ask price of stock mean?Do you buy stocks at the bid or ask price?CommunityWhat is the meaning of volatile stock prices and markets?What is the cause behind market volatility?CommunityWhich blue-chip share is best?What is the cheapest blue-chip stock you can recommend investing in? AnswersSimon MugoWhat Will Happen if I Buy the Same Stock at Different Prices?If you end up buying the stock at different prices, you need not worry. Your purchase price would be worked out on an average price. Below we'll have a look at...AnswersFilip DimkovskiWhat Makes a Stock Price Go and Stay up Without Hype?Billions of shares of stocks are bought and sold each day, and it's this buying and selling that sets stock prices. Stock prices go up and down when someone agr...Community On what is a dividend percentage based?Hi. The dividends you are getting aren't based on the stock price right? I have 30 shares of at $54 avg. price and I keep getting $27 in dividends quarte...CommunityCan I Transfer All My Crypto from Coinbase to Another Wallet? Yes, you can transfer your crypto from Coinbase to another wallet by contacting Coinbase Support Number +1 (888)-971-1716 for assistance. The process involves a...