Who are the best trading signal providers I can follow on social media?
Asked 4 years ago
Hi I'm looking for the best share trading signals or providers through all social media platforms. Who do you recommend I follow? Tia.
Arthur Nwosu
Sunday, July 04, 2021
there are a bunch of trading signal services. sometimes it is daunting to know which to follow. personally i dont recommend signal services but if you must, there is one on telegram you could check out. i think it is called "infinity trading room". the way they trade is somewhat synonymous to how a good trader should. spend some time in their free telegram group before deciding to join their paid membership. do note this is not sponsoring anybody. if you can learn trading , put in the time . it is always better to be an independent.
Osasere Okunloye
Monday, July 19, 2021
On YouTube, you can subscribe to Rayner Teo, Forex Signals, ClayTrader. On Instagram, follow @forex_signals_spot, @tradeprofit, @dailyforexsignsls. @signalfactory and @profitfxsignal give signals advice on Twitter. Study their strategies and see which one suits you more. Note that no strategy can have a 100% success rate. Lastly, It is safer and better to follow multiple signal providers than to die with one.
Andia Rispah Igobwa
Thursday, August 12, 2021
I can't answer this with any certainty because so many people out there claim they know the best trading signals and who you should follow - when so much of it is just anecdotal.
I'll give one hint, though - see which traders are doing well right now and then make a list. You might have to sift through some people that just talk a lot or post sensationalist things (because these guys don't really trade much), but in the end, you'll probably find traders that show better performance than the others.
Another thing is to pay attention to how they post their gains/losses and other information.
One major rule of thumb is "follow the rules" or "trade what you're good at." Any reasonable trader will tell you this, and it is a core tenant of trading (and life in general).
Some people can't handle the emotional aspect and prefer to follow others that do well or have a proven track record of success.
This means that you're going to get out of your comfort zone, either by learning more about trading (and getting better) - or following other traders. If both are not options for you - then it may not be for you.
If you don't learn from your mistakes, or if you're not trading actively enough, then there's no hope that it'll get better - and maybe just sticking to a play money account is the best thing for now. Just keep working on improving yourself because at some point in time - it will pay off.
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